Nationwide Pen Pal Program for 3rd and 4th Graders

Welcome Educators!

Are you interested in connecting your classroom with others from across the country? Join our Nationwide Pen Pal Program designed specifically for 3rd and 4th-grade teachers! This program aims to create enriching connections and cultural exchanges between students from diverse backgrounds.

How It Works

Sign Up: Fill out the interest form provided at the bottom of this page by **November 27th**.

Pairing Up: At the end of November, we will pair you with another teacher from a different part of the country.

Communication: Once paired, you and your pen pal teacher will coordinate how you want to run the program between your classes.

Important Dates

-Interest Form Deadline: November 27th

-Pairing Announcement: End of November

-First Introduction Letter: Around the holidays

Guidelines for Participation

Frequency of Communication: Decide with your pen pal teacher how often your classes will exchange letters. A monthly exchange is recommended.

Content of Letters: Encourage students to share about their lives, interests, and cultures. This can include hobbies, favorite books, school activities, and local traditions.

Supervision: Teachers should review all letters before they are sent to ensure appropriateness and safety.

Follow-Up Activities: Consider incorporating follow-up activities like video calls, collaborative projects, or sharing holiday traditions.

Benefits for Students

Enhanced Writing Skills: Regular letter writing helps improve students' writing and communication skills.

Cultural Awareness: Students learn about different lifestyles and cultures, fostering empathy and understanding.

Building Friendships: Pen pals can create lasting friendships that extend beyond the classroom.

Additional Perks

By joining the program, you'll also receive regular freebies, deals, and updates from my TPT store newsletter!

Sign Up Now!

Ready to join? Fill out the Interest Form by November 27th, and let's get started on this exciting journey!


Thrive in Upper Elementary (my TPT store) is only responsible for connecting you with another teacher. From there, it is the responsibility of both teachers to facilitate the terms, frequency, and expectations for pen pal communications.